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 Welcome to Year 2 - Summer Term 2024

Our summer term has many exciting opportunities planned to supplement our curriculum.  The children will be visiting Hexham Abbey to explore the signs and symbols found within the building. A visit to see an author in Hexham Book Festival for children has been booked. The most exciting trip however, will be to Lillidorei in Alnwick!

In English, we will use the 'Talk for Writing' approach, in which the children learn a text using actions before changing parts of it (innovation) and finally creating a new piece of writing (independent application). The texts used are from Kenya and relate to our geography lessons. The texts will be 'The Secret of Rain' and 'Meerkat Mail.'

Every morning, your child will participate in a RWI phonics session. During these sessions, your children are heard reading the same text three times, which helps them improve their reading speed and accuracy. Questions will be asked to help students improve their comprehension. These sessions also include a writing component in which your child will segment sounds to write words as well as hold a sentence in their head before writing it.

To help your child progress with their reading, you should hear your child read three times weekly - please mark three times on the chart and it would be helpful if you could add a comment in the reading diary.

We teach maths with a mastery approach, so there will be plenty of opportunities to use practical resources. Children will continue to use Base Ten equipment, Place-Value grids, Part-Whole models, and bar models to ensure they understand mathematical concepts thoroughly. This term's focus is on learning the 10x 5x  and 2x Times Tables, so if you can help your child play Times Tables Rockstars at home, they will have a quick recall of these.

Our geography topic is "hot and cold places," and we will learn about how the temperature changes in different countries in the world. 

After half-term, we will move on to the history topic 'Christopher Columbus' to learn about a significant figure. 

Our science lessons allow children to investigate and conduct simple experiments. In our first topic, we will learn about plants, finding out about plants growing within the school grounds before planting seeds. 

In the Summer Term the children have a weekly PE lesson taught by Mr Ure on Wednesday. PE kits should be left in school for the half term.

Children will continue with their Commando Joe sessions with Year 1.  

Our Spring term was very exciting with a class trip to visit a farm, scientists from Newcastle University visiting to deliver a colour blindness workshop, and a workshop called 'Safety Seymour' to explain the dangers of carbon monoxide. 

I have PPA time and Mrs Love will teach the class. On Friday afternoons Mrs Keith and Year 1 will join us as we have joint music, computing lessons and visit the school library.

Homework is set weekly and should be returned to school by Wednesday.

 Feel free to ask if you have any questions or queries about ways to support your child.

 Miss B. Noon (Teacher)

Mrs C Mousette (Learning Support Assistant)